Welcome to my site on crocheting! Not like the internet needs another site on crocheting, right? This is my site on projects I’ve made, useful links and anything else related to crocheting. Take a look around there might something of interest to you if you do any crocheting.
Thank you for visiting my site. Please feel free to sign the guestbook and attach a photo of your latest project for others to see. The guestbook was taken down on 10-12-24.
If you are interested in purchasing any crocheted items you see posted on this site. I will make them any color you would like. Please contact me for pricing.
This site was started on April 6, 2010. That means that I have backdated some of the posts to when I made the projects.
All images are copyright by me, please respect my photos and do not use them for your own personal use without written permission from me. You may use the contact form to contact me regarding photos on this site. Thank you!